chinese church

Northside offers a special time and place for the Chinese in Victoria to fellowship and worship together in their own language and culture. Sunday mornings begin with Bible Study at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:45 am followed by lunch at noon, and Prayer Meeting and House Groups meet at different times during the week. Email us to learn more.
Ecclesia Service

This service will be back the first week of July. We host a bilingual worship service ministering to anyone in our community who is interested. Every Sunday evening, we gather in building B – at 5:00 pm. All are invited to come and attend. Bienvenidos!
mission opportunities
Northside is actively involved in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth through mission opportunities close to home and around the globe. Some are short term while other commitments are ongoing. Church wide mission trips are open to individuals and families. For more information, contact us.

Valley Mission Trip
Our mission work in the valley of South Texas involves partnerships with local churches through working with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Texas Baptists and Buckner International. The people of Northside work to provide livable housing, enhanced ministry involvement and the hope of Christ to the residents of the Colonias on the Texas-Mexico border. Valley Mission Trips include several opportunities for you to make a difference in the lives of others. Construction Teams complete homes for local families working with Buckner. There’s also Vacation Bible School, Soccer Camp, Cooking Classes and Sewing Classes. We have a place for you to serve.

Colorado Mission Trip
Northside has partnered with a church in Colorado to provide resources and help them grow, so they can have greater impact in their community. Each year individuals and entire families from Northside serve side by side with them during the summer. Projects include building repairs, Backyard Bible Clubs and gathering school supplies and clothes for lower income residents.

Ministry Teams
There are many opportunities to serve right here on Northside’s campus and in our community. From helping with First Impressions or serving at nursing homes or participating with a Ministry Team for special projects around Victoria, we have a place for you to serve. Let us know your interests, and we’ll gladly guide you on the journey.
Partners ON the journey

The people of Northside have chosen to partner with many organizations in order to share Christ's love in the fullest way possible. We give our time, money and prayer to these groups as we serve with them and work to see God’s Kingdom come in our world.